H7 Story: Marriage was Designed by God

A good marriage is a union where “… a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24, ESV). However, as anyone who is married knows, it’s not easy merging two independent lives into one!

The Bible teaches that marriage was designed by God, as a reflection of God, to communicate the love of God, for the glory of God. Therefore, because marriage matters deeply to God, the decision to get married should not be taken lightly, nor should it be made in isolation.

Enter Merge, FCC’s pre-married ministry for engaged and seriously dating couples! Over the course of 8 weeks, couples learn, seek wisdom, and receive Biblical counsel about marriage in a safe, fun, challenging, and authentic small group environment. Led by a mentor couple, with lessons facilitated by various marriage team leaders, couples ask honest questions and receive personal feedback about how to merge two lives into one.

Jonathan and Greta Lewis benefited from Merge in the fall of 2023 before getting married this past spring. “Greta and I really enjoyed the small group approach to premarital counseling as it allowed for deeper insight, available accountability, and open conversation,” Jonathan said. When asked what were key takeaways, they shared that they “… learned a lot about the weight of the Biblical covenant of marriage, how to better communicate expectations, and what it looks like to deeply pursue one another continuously.” They’ve now been married for six months and said that, in particular, the lessons on communication and expectations are ones they still talk about and strive to implement.

The small group environment, led by a mentor couple, is a unique feature of Merge. “We fondly reflect on the couples and leadership that took the time to help us grow and grow with us as we sought the Biblical truths of Godly relationships,” Jonathan and Greta expressed. "These mentoring relationships with marriage team leaders often don’t end after Merge, either. For many, conversations continue long afterwards, as lessons learned in Merge are implemented in real time.*  

So, are you seriously dating or engaged? Then we invite you to participate in the next session of Merge that begins Monday, September 23. Like Jonathan and Greta, you, too, can process your next step within the context of godly community. Sign up today at fccgreene.org/marriage.

*Merge segues perfectly into Foundation Groups, FCC’s ministry for newlyweds. Check out fccgreene.org/marriage for more information.