H7 Story: Building Connections and Growing Together
By Cara Trantham
Even a couple of hours of "Worship & Serve" on Sunday mornings isn't enough to develop the deep and lasting friendships we all really need. Life Groups provide an opportunity for more meaningful relationships. It is in connecting through Life Groups that we can see God soften hearts, change lives, strengthen marriages, and build mature disciple-makers.
Our family has experienced this firsthand through the years. Before we launched the second campus, we were part of a Life Group at the Greeneville campus. Several couples in that group were starting their families, just like us. It was encouraging to have people in the same stage of life. We studied God’s Word, raised our children together, and prayed for wisdom in raising godly children. They were some of the first people to bring meals and drop off groceries when we had a baby.
Over time, Life Group became a source of practical help as well as spiritual support. I’ve set up and been on the receiving end of countless meal trains. Lifegroupers have picked up my girls from school, babysat so we could go on dates, and even cleaned my toilets! Caring for each other in such intimate ways is what Paul meant when he said, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)
When we began attending the Afton campus, we helped launch a Life Group there. Even though one couple has since moved away and another no longer attends FCC, the bonds we formed in that group continue to this day. In that group, the children often outnumbered the adults! Despite the chaos, I loved that our children got to see us prioritizing God’s Word, praying, and sharing meals together. One small step of faithfulness to join a Life Group all those years ago led to greater confidence in obedience later.
Currently, we are in a Life Group with people who are mostly past the baby season (unless you count grandbabies!). It has been such a joy to glean from their wisdom and perspective. I always leave refreshed and motivated to do the next right thing. The women in our group even have a group chat where we share prayer requests, updates, memes, and keep each other accountable for the things we’ve prayed about together.
In a growing church with multiple campuses, Life Groups have kept our congregation small enough to be known and loved well. They have given us a platform to use our gifts and serve others, as well as a source of encouragement and care in every season of life.
If you’re looking for deeper relationships, spiritual growth, and a place to belong, Life Groups are the perfect next step. Engage in worship, serve on a team, and connect in a small group. These three habits create the foundation for personal transformation and discipleship. Let’s intentionally create the community God designed us for—one that loves well and reflects His grace.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)
Our family has experienced this firsthand through the years. Before we launched the second campus, we were part of a Life Group at the Greeneville campus. Several couples in that group were starting their families, just like us. It was encouraging to have people in the same stage of life. We studied God’s Word, raised our children together, and prayed for wisdom in raising godly children. They were some of the first people to bring meals and drop off groceries when we had a baby.
Over time, Life Group became a source of practical help as well as spiritual support. I’ve set up and been on the receiving end of countless meal trains. Lifegroupers have picked up my girls from school, babysat so we could go on dates, and even cleaned my toilets! Caring for each other in such intimate ways is what Paul meant when he said, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)
When we began attending the Afton campus, we helped launch a Life Group there. Even though one couple has since moved away and another no longer attends FCC, the bonds we formed in that group continue to this day. In that group, the children often outnumbered the adults! Despite the chaos, I loved that our children got to see us prioritizing God’s Word, praying, and sharing meals together. One small step of faithfulness to join a Life Group all those years ago led to greater confidence in obedience later.
Currently, we are in a Life Group with people who are mostly past the baby season (unless you count grandbabies!). It has been such a joy to glean from their wisdom and perspective. I always leave refreshed and motivated to do the next right thing. The women in our group even have a group chat where we share prayer requests, updates, memes, and keep each other accountable for the things we’ve prayed about together.
In a growing church with multiple campuses, Life Groups have kept our congregation small enough to be known and loved well. They have given us a platform to use our gifts and serve others, as well as a source of encouragement and care in every season of life.
If you’re looking for deeper relationships, spiritual growth, and a place to belong, Life Groups are the perfect next step. Engage in worship, serve on a team, and connect in a small group. These three habits create the foundation for personal transformation and discipleship. Let’s intentionally create the community God designed us for—one that loves well and reflects His grace.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)
Posted in Tell the Story